Amendment of the Civil Code provision regarding the time limit

Publication / 17.02.2017

Article 115 of the Civil Code, as amended by the amendment, provides that: “if the end of the time limit for the performance of an action falls on a day declared a legal holiday or on a Saturday, the time limit shall expire on the next day that is not a holiday or a Saturday.”

The above amendment means that Saturday cannot be the day that ends a time limit in civil law.

The amendment regulates a problem that arose in connection with the position of the Supreme Court, which in its resolution of April 25, 2003 (ref. III CZP 8/03) expressed the binding view that Saturday is not a day recognized by law as a holiday within the meaning of Article 115 of the Civil Code.

The amendment makes it so that the end of the deadline for action that would have fallen on Saturday is “extended” to Monday (if, of course, no holiday or non-working day falls on that day).