Comprehensive and beneficial for the landlord settlement of the lease agreement

News / 14.09.2020

The Law Firm’s advocates and attorneys successfully conducted negotiations for the amicable settlement of long-standing disputes concerning mutual claims of the landlord and tenant related to the lease agreement in the shopping mall. Negotiations with the participation of the Law Firm’s lawyers led to the conclusion of an agreement, and in turn a court settlement, on terms satisfactory to the Client (landlord), who was satisfied in the total amount of approximately PLN 750,000 (which was about 75% of the claimed amount). At the same time, as a result of the agreement, the opposing party waived in full the claims asserted against the Law Firm’s Client in the amount of approximately PLN 2,000,000.

The court cases concerned the settlement of mutual claims of the parties to the lease agreement: on the part of the landlord, claims for payment of rent, service charges, contractual penalties and lump-sum damages, while on the part of the tenant, claims for damages against the landlord.

The conclusion of the agreement and settlement allowed a comprehensive end to years of litigation involving the Law Firm’s Client.