
UR prof. Roman Uliasz, Ph.D.


(17) 852 2085

r.uliasz@...[click to discover address]

UR prof. Roman Uliasz, Ph.D.

About me

He specializes in corporate law and arbitration. He advises and represents Clients in corporate disputes, in pre-litigation and litigation proceedings related to annulment or revocation of resolutions of capital companies’ meetings, in trials for exclusion of a shareholder from the company, as well as in proceedings against members of the management board of a limited liability company for payment pursuant to Article 299 of the Commercial Companies Code. He advises and represents Clients in arbitration disputes, as well as in those proceedings before the common court in which the question of the correctness of the arbitration clause arises. He also acts as an arbitrator.

He has worked as an attorney-at-law since 2006. He has many years of experience in serving corporate Clients operating in many market segments, including mining industry, food industry, real estate development, real estate and construction, as well as in the sphere of education.

He is the author of more than 50 publications in the field of private law, including the monograph entitled Invalidity of a Resolution of a Capital Company’s Meeting of Shareholders (Nieważność uchwały zgromadzenia spółki kapitałowej C.H. BECK, Warsaw 2018), articles published, among others, in Przegląd Prawa Handlowego and Rejent, as well as the author or co-author of commentaries to various provisions of the Civil Code, in particular the commentary to the Civil Code edited by M. Załucki (C.H. BECK, Warsaw 2023).

He holds a postdoctoral degree in legal sciences, which was granted based on his habilitation dissertation entitled Invalidity of a resolution of a capital company’s meeting and on the basis of his entire scientific output (University of Wroclaw, 2019). He is a university professor at the Institute of Legal Sciences at the University of Rzeszow, Head of the Department of Civil and Commercial Law, and a lecturer at the Regional Chamber of Legal Advisors in Rzeszow, where he trains trainees in corporate law and international trade.

He is fluent in English and communicative in Italian and Russian.